Category: Industry

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Dela’s Challenge

In comments on an article in the Magill Report, I had this to say about things I keep hearing from Dela Quist: I’m sure that Dela has a smashing marketing program, but I keep hearing him say the things you’ve got in this article and that they’ll work “if you’re not doing anything stupid.” And he might even Read More

The difference between triage and planning

I read an interesting post by Andrew Kordek at Trendline Interactive this morning. Its premise is that “Organizations need to do a better job at defining an inactive.”  And the fact is, he’s right. I also think that this ties into recent discussions regarding whether “best practices” are actually the best things for folks to Read More

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Why an opt-out opt-in doesn’t really work

I recently heard from some friends about Penton Media sending an email asking people to subscribe to third-party email.  They didn’t like being required to opt-out to avoid getting an email that wasn’t requested in the first place, even if there had been a warning given that the email was coming. Spamhaus agreed with those Read More

USS Missouri fires a broadside

Partial bulking & other warning shots

This morning, I got a question about some, but not all, of a mailing going into the bulk folder at a large ISP.  “What does it mean when they do that? What should we do?” Most think sending mail to the bulk folder is an “all or nothing” proposition. They know there is a problem Read More

Number 11 is a nice place to be

Sometimes we can get too close to something.  So close, in fact, that we take comments the wrong way so that they become insults that they were never intended to be. A couple of years ago, a member of the postmaster staff at a large, North American ISP said to a group of ESP people: Read More

Are appended lists really purchased lists?

Earlier today I asked a couple of questions on Twitter: “How does one go about transferring permission?” “Why do marketers buy ‘opt-in’ lists?” The first question did not get many answers.  The consensus of those who took the time to respond was that permission might be transferred in an assets purchase. Beyond that, it would Read More

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An average email user responds

As I mentioned in my last post, I asked my dad to have a look at Gretchen Scheiman’s MediaPost Email Insider post. Gretchen Scheiman, ​Does Permission Need To Be Explicit?​, MediaPost Email Insider (2010), (last visited May 31, 2024). My dad is a baby boomer and, I think, is a relatively normal email user.  Read More

Bigger Is Not Always Better

Delivery professionals have told clients for years that a bigger list is not always better.  We have been telling people that mailing people for the sake of mailing people is not a winning strategy.  We have advocated mailing to engaged subscribers while letting the deadwood disappear. For years, we have suffered (not so) silently as Read More

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Inertia Is Not Email Marketing

The people at AlchemyWorx published an article titled “Getting real about inactive subscribers.” AlchemyWorx, ​Getting Real About Inactive Subscribers​, AlchemyWorx (2010), (last visited May 29, 2024). I can only say that it is a “feel good” article.  The entire point of the post seems to be to help email marketers feel good about inertia.  Read More

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Asking for the Impossible: Send Rates

Today’s post is the third in a series on contractual terms that clients want to try to get but usually will be unable to due to reality’s harsh impact. Thus far, we have considered Delivery Service Level Agreements (Mickey Chandler, ​Asking For The Impossible: SLAs​, Spamtacular (2010), (last visited May 13, 2010).) and inbox Read More

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