Tag: Yahoo

BT Transitioning Away From Yahoo! Mail

British Telecom (BT) announced last year that they would be transitioning away from Yahoo! Mail’s service for their customers after a decade. Christopher Williams, ​BT dumps Yahoo! email after hacking claims​, The Telegraph (2013), http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/epic/btdota/10089355/BT-dumps-Yahoo-email-after-hacking-claims.html (last visited May 27, 2024). The concern at the time was over account security. Many BT customers reported losing control of Read More

shy little black child standing at home with hands behind back head

Somebody hasn’t read all of the CAN-SPAM Act

Today’s big news appears to be a couple of lawsuits filed by Holomaxx Technologies. One was filed against Yahoo and Cisco, and the other against Microsoft and Return Path. In both, Holomaxx makes some statements that indicate it doesn’t have a firm grasp of the CAN-SPAM Act. Here’s a snippet: While it may be true Read More