Tag: Spam filtering

man sticking out paper wall

Real impacts of spam

I don’t talk about it very often, but there are some real consequences to the mere existence of spam. In 2004, the FTC mentioned it as a driver in address churn​*​​(Federal Trade Commission 2004)​. Of course, unwanted messages get lost. Finally, we can blame the mere existence of spam for the existence of spam filters. Read More

woman in gray tank top looking furious

Back to Basics: Where does Spamhaus get off…

One of the more popular questions that come up deals with ISPs1 using DNSBLs2, especially Spamhaus lists. The question usually goes something like this: Who are the operators of that list and what gives them the right to regulate commerce? Are they run by a government or something? A Brief History of DNSBLs The year is Read More

Did you catch the death of Postini?

According to [acp author=”Google” title=”Postini Transition to Google Apps” id=”Goog1″ media=”website” url=”http://postini-transition.googleapps.com/” YEAR_ACCESS=”2015″ MONTH_ACCESS=”June” DAY_ACCESS=”25″]Google[/acp], all mail stopped flowing through Postini servers on June 15. Any Postini clients who had not made the transition by the end of May were supposed to have been forcibly transitioned then. Postini was a traditional troublespot when it came to Read More