Tag: policy

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Click Here…But Maybe Not? The Hidden Hurdles of Email Policies

Domain administrators implement email policies to safeguard users from phishing, malware, and spam threats. Admins believe these policies are crucial for ensuring security, but they may occasionally interfere with the intended functionality of wanted and expected emails. As a sender, it is essential to understand these policies and their potential impact on your email campaigns. Read More

Policy Practicum: COVID-19

How does general policy change in the face of a known health emergency? It’s a really tough question that can be fraught with pitfalls and emotions. So, this will be the very first of an intermittent series of posts covering the policy implications of things happening in real life. First, a disclaimer I feel the Read More

Enforcement is therapeutic

Policies exist for a reason. For instance, most email service providers have a policy forbidding the use of non-opt-in lists. Those policies exist because of statements like this one: Microsoft prohibits the use of the service in any manner associated with the transmission, distribution, or delivery of any unsolicited bulk or unsolicited commercial e-mail (“spam”). You Read More

Forcing Consent Is A Bad Idea

We previously asked the question “who is your program for?” The idea behind that post was to briefly examine the idea that we make decisions for our programs that are based upon whom we have in mind to benefit. One example that I mentioned to show an incorrect focus was “We’ll require someone to register Read More

Ignaz Semmelweis

Tone Matters

There is more to the story of Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis than merely learning that people will discount the possibility that they are, in fact, responsible for things that happen because they believe themselves to be above reproach. Another important part of the story is how Dr. Semmelweis responded to criticism. To put things mildly and Read More

Why Is Policy Important?

Policies are important documents, but not everyone understands why they exist. Policies exist in order to delineate what is allowable and what is not. They also exist in order to inform people as to what rules will be followed in certain situations. This blog has both kinds of policies. We have a Privacy Policy that Read More

Herd Immunity

It’s the time of year when people start getting their flu shots. Flu vaccinations are important for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the concept of “herd immunity.” Part of that concept is that everything does not always go according to plan. That is, some people will get sick despite being Read More

Back to basics: Why have a policy?

It occurred to me that some people are unclear on why ESPs[acp footnote]Email Service Provider[/acp] have policies. Those people aren’t always clients. Sometimes, they’re salespeople. Sometimes, they’re even management. I suppose that sometimes, even deliverability professionals lose sight of why policies exist as they do. The Ultimate Answer The ultimate answer as to “why have Read More

Who Drives DMARC?

Every time that someone comes up with a new way to talking about mail back channels it gets just a little more complex. First, we had SPF. That was a relatively easy thing. Add a text record to DNS that says where your mail is coming from and you’re set. You even had options to Read More

So tell us how you REALLY feel

People will sometimes ask me why I hate the Lead Generation (lead gen) and Payday Loan industries. Ultimately, it’s because they have such deep problems that I don’t think that any self-respecting ESP should take them on as a client. This morning, I saw a [acp author=”United States Federal Trade Commission” id=”FTC-01″ title=”Data Broker Defendants Settle FTC Read More