Tag: Listmas

tied scrolls

Overwhelmed Recipients

On the twelfth day of Listmas, my data showed to me overwhelmed recipients… Almost everything on our list from the 12 Days of Listmas has one result: Recipients are overwhelmed. According to The Radicati Group, the “average” email address should anticipate receiving 72 pieces of email per day in 2017. ​The Radicati Group​, Email Statistics Report, Read More

Emails sent to dead folks

On the eleventh day of Listmas, my data showed to me emails sent to dead folks… Today’s post is related to yesterday’s post as well as day 6. Really, it’s all about list hygiene. The title of the post is “emails sent to dead people.” The thing is, I mean that quite literally. Often people Read More

Re-activating old stuff

On the tenth day of Listmas, my data showed to me someone reactivating old stuff… Ah! The musty smell of old lists. You know, people who haven’t heard from the company in months and months. OR! Even better: They haven’t heard from us in years and years! It’s true! This actually happens. One of my Read More

Inundated Servers

On the ninth day of Listmas, my data showed to me 9 inundated servers… If you take the total of all of the other days of Listmas (with the exception of the SBLs and the authentication issues), you come up with a lot of extra mail being sent. In fact, the period between late October Read More

a woman pointing a pregnancy test at a calendar

Annual mailing

On the eighth day of Listmas my data showed to me eight annual mailings… This post is a bookend to day 3’s “Sending 3 Times Daily” on the effect of overmailing. Today, we’re going to talk about undermailing. Mickey Chandler, ​Sending 3 Times Daily​, Spamtacular (2017), https://www.spamtacular.com/2017/12/11/sending-three-times-daily/ (last visited May 27, 2024). Like many people, my Read More

photo of people doing fist bump

“That’s our business model!”

On the seventh day of Listmas, my client said to me “That’s our business model!” Everyone thinks they have the next disruptive business model: “What we’ve come up with will change how you ________________.” If only everyone knew about the business and how disruptive it is. Some people in my line of work generally set Read More

“We’ve Gotta Make Our Numbers”

On the sixth day of Listmas, my client said to me “We’ve gotta make our numbers!” There’s a reason that “Black Friday” is called “Black Friday.” No, actually, there is more than one reason. According to [acp id=”oxford-20171214″ url=”https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/us/black_friday” media=”website” publisher=”Oxford University Press” title=”Black Friday | Definition of Black Friday in US English by Oxford Read More

elderly man in santa costume sitting on red chair reading a letter


On the fifth day of Listmas, my data showed to me: five SBLs… Coming up on Spamhaus’ radar is usually bad news. Unlike some stories that you might read on the Internet, Spamhaus won’t reach out to give you a Target gift card. Bob D’Angelo, ​Michigan police hand out Target gift cards for Christmas instead Read More

Authentication Failures

On the fourth day of Listmas, my data showed to me four authentication failures… Hey, it’s a song, okay? So, there are a number of ways to go to get authentication failures. Not everybody checks authentication, we could still be counting either DomainKeys or SenderID, etc. But, honestly, this is day 4 because that’s just Read More

Sending three times daily

On the third day of Listmas, my data showed to me they were sending three times daily… So, the funny thing about this one being on day three is that to be more accurate to what some folks are doing now, this should be anywhere from day 4 to day 7. For instance, here’s a Read More

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