Tag: ISPs

Inundated Servers

On the ninth day of Listmas, my data showed to me 9 inundated servers… If you take the total of all of the other days of Listmas (with the exception of the SBLs and the authentication issues), you come up with a lot of extra mail being sent. In fact, the period between late October Read More

lioness roaring

Barry Speaks: We won’t shut-up and eat your spam

Today we have a guest post from the ever popular Barry. Al Iverson, ​Too Much Contact​, Spam Resource (2009), http://www.spamresource.com/2009/10/too-much-contact.html. Barry is overworked, underpaid, and wants to get the word out: I’ve been hearing a lot of chatter about how ESPs think the ISPs should just shut up and eat their spam. That if the Read More