Tag: Consent

Data quality depends on user consent

Why data quality depends on user consent

Deliverability Week continues, and it’s my turn to make a substantive contribution today. So, I’m pulling together some of my favorite topics: deliverability, privacy, and consent. Enjoy! Data is the lifeblood of a marketer’s world, but its true power lies in its quality. Imagine making important decisions based on inaccurate or incomplete information – that’s Read More

silhouette photo of man with backpack standing in seashore during golden hour

Just some unsolicited advice

We’re just now getting into the year and Mother’s Day will be here before you know it. Father’s Day will follow not far behind. A couple of years ago, someone came up with the idea of asking people if they wanted to get emails related to those holidays, and the idea has really caught on Read More

Laws Still Apply to Bad Ideas

On Monday, I posted that “[acp title=”Forcing Consent Is A Bad Idea” medium=”blog” url=”https://www.spamtacular.com/2020/01/27/forcing-consent-is-a-bad-idea/” year=”2020″ month=”January” day=”27″ author=”Mickey Chandler” id=”me-02″ day_access=”29″ month_access=”January” year_access=”2020″]{title}[/acp]”. The point was to tell say that, regardless of legal issues, there are very practical reasons in favor of setting a policy of not trying to force consent. But, just because there Read More

Forcing Consent Is A Bad Idea

We previously asked the question “who is your program for?” The idea behind that post was to briefly examine the idea that we make decisions for our programs that are based upon whom we have in mind to benefit. One example that I mentioned to show an incorrect focus was “We’ll require someone to register Read More