Month: January 2017

woman in gray tank top looking furious

Back to Basics: Where does Spamhaus get off…

One of the more popular questions that come up deals with ISPs1 using DNSBLs2, especially Spamhaus lists. The question usually goes something like this: Who are the operators of that list and what gives them the right to regulate commerce? Are they run by a government or something? A Brief History of DNSBLs The year is Read More

Back to basics: Why have a policy?

It occurred to me that some people are unclear on why ESPs[acp footnote]Email Service Provider[/acp] have policies. Those people aren’t always clients. Sometimes, they’re salespeople. Sometimes, they’re even management. I suppose that sometimes, even deliverability professionals lose sight of why policies exist as they do. The Ultimate Answer The ultimate answer as to “why have Read More