Month: November 2010

photo of person using black laptop

An average email user responds

As I mentioned in my last post, I asked my dad to have a look at Gretchen Scheiman’s MediaPost Email Insider post. Gretchen Scheiman, ​Does Permission Need To Be Explicit?​, MediaPost Email Insider (2010), (last visited May 31, 2024). My dad is a baby boomer and, I think, is a relatively normal email user.  Read More

Bigger Is Not Always Better

Delivery professionals have told clients for years that a bigger list is not always better.  We have been telling people that mailing people for the sake of mailing people is not a winning strategy.  We have advocated mailing to engaged subscribers while letting the deadwood disappear. For years, we have suffered (not so) silently as Read More

shy little black child standing at home with hands behind back head

Somebody hasn’t read all of the CAN-SPAM Act

Today’s big news appears to be a couple of lawsuits filed by Holomaxx Technologies. One was filed against Yahoo and Cisco, and the other against Microsoft and Return Path. In both, Holomaxx makes some statements that indicate it doesn’t have a firm grasp of the CAN-SPAM Act. Here’s a snippet: While it may be true Read More

close up photo of skull

You call it “Appending,” they call it “Epending,” I call it “Evil”

It’s been a long week and you’re relaxing at the local watering hole.  Someone comes over and strikes up a conversation with you and the two of you end up spending the next hour together.  Nothing happens and you are okay with that.  Perhaps they weren’t really your type, but when they asked for your Read More